Temat: angielski-bardzo prosze o pomoc

NIe jestem dobra z angielskiego dlatego prosilabym kogos o sprawdzenie 2 listow i 2 krotkich form wypowiedzi.

1: Lost:
Small,brown dog with blue eyes and with white ear. I recently saw him in my garden on Monday. If you find dog,please contact me my mobilephone nr is 567-456-456

2: Hi Tom,
I arrive to London at 7.P.M.
I little tired my journey. My room is very nice with view on the city. I'm not hotel because I must go to the bank.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to write this letter because my new radio stopped working. I bought this radio in you shop two weeks ago. This product is black made by SOny. After one week from date of buying When I am listening to music this radio stopped play. I can not turn it on. This radio was your service but again not work. I called to the service but nobody will come to me. I disappointed because I can not listen my favourite radio station.. I demand a full refund. I am not interesting me swap to new model.
I am waiting for quick answer. Please contact me my mobilephone number is 456-456-567.
Yours faithtfully,

4.Dear Tom,
I'am writting this letter because I would like to tell you about my new job.
I work as babysiter in England. I have been has for 3 weeks. I wake up at 7.A.M. Next I go to the baker's and I buy a fresh brown bread.When I come back to home I go to the market and I buy fruits and vegetables.I start my job at 10.a.m and I finish at 7.p.m. I am going for a walking with children to the park and we eat ice -cream. I liked my job. I spend my free time on shopping.
Maybe you will go to me on next weekend?
I miss for my country. I very miss my family.
I'm waiting for you quick answer. I wish you a great weekend.
Love ,
Przepraszam za szczerość,ale jest naprawdę dużo błedów..Często nie dajesz przyimkow,ogolnie jest duzo bledow,wypisalabym je,ale niestety nie mam czasu:)
Swoją drogą ironia-ale studiuję fil.ang i jutro mam kolokwium,tak czy inaczej,naprawde sie na tym znam -powinnas zrobić to od nowa.Widzę też problemy z czasami i niekonsekwencję w ich stosowaniu.
Za duzo czasow, nie potrafisz sie nimi poslugiwac, a tak naprawde wszystko mozna wyrazic bardzo prostym jezykiem, brak przyimkow.. OK, ogolnie jest zle, wszytko do poprawy.
Starjaj sie mylec jak najprosciej, nie kombinuj...
i would like znaczy chviala bym, i I would like to write this letter because my new radio stopped working, chciala bys napisac list, ktory wlasnie piszesz? Duzo bledow logicznych, stylistycznych... Wiekszosci nie da sie poprawic, to trzeba napisac od nowa
w pierwszym - chyba powinno być if you'll (will) find dog...
drugim - rozumiem ze to czas przeszly? więc, " I arrived to London at 7.P.M. 
I'm a  little tired of my journey. My room is very nice with view on the city. I'm not in the hotel because I must go to the bank. "
trzeci Dear Sir or Madam, 
I would like to write this letter because my new radio stopped working. I bought this radio in your shop two weeks ago. This product is black made by SOny. After one week from date of buying When I was listening to music this radio stopped play. I can not turn it on. This radio was your service but again it is not working . I called to the service but nobody will come to me. I'm disappointed because I can not listen my favourite radio station.. I demand a full refund. I am not interesting to swap it on another model. 
czwarty -.Dear Tom, 
I'am writting this letter because I would like to tell you about my new job. 
I'm working as babysiter in England. I have been there for 3 weeks. I wake up at 7.A.M. Next I go to the baker's and I buy a fresh brown bread.When I come back to home I go to the market and I buy fruits and vegetables.I start my job at 10.a.m and I finish at 7.p.m. I go for a walking with children to the park and we eat ice -cream. I like my job. I spend my free time on shopping. 
Maybe you will go to me at next weekend? 
I miss my country. I very miss my family. 
I'm waiting for you quick answer. I wish you  had a great weekend. 
Love , 

pogrubione są miejsca, w których były błędy  : ) pewnie nie wsyztskie wyłapałam, ale ogólnie ładnie napisałaś :)
Wszystko fajnie tyle, ze w formach pisemnych niepowinno sie tak skakac po czasach, to wprowadza chaos. Pozatym listy widze, ze sa oficjalnie wiec, czasy powinny byc jakos uporzadkowane, i senownie zakonczone, a nie sa. Nie pisze sie "love" na koncu listu...
Niezgodze sie z tym, ze to jest ladnie napisane, chyba, ze jestes w gimnazjum, to OK.
Jeden z listow jest nieformalny,wiec dlaczego nie moge go zakonczyc "Love"?
 mirusfeles to jest pierwszy okres warunkowy, gdzie po 'if' musi być Present Simple, więc 'if you find' jest ok.
Bo jesli juz to "with love...". Co do tego psa, If you find MY dog bla bla... Musisz zaznaczyc, ze TWOJEGO, nie jakiegos innego burka...
Jak juz pisalam, to jest wszystko do przepisania, pozatym zajzalam do pamietnika..m Czy Ty nie piszesz matury w tym roku czasem? Wiesz, ze angielski jest obowiazkowy?
1: Lost:
Small,brown dog with blue eyes and with white ear. I recently saw him in my garden on Monday. If you find the dog,please contact me on my mobile phone, the nr is 567-456-456
A poza tym:
1 jest ok, 2 tak jak napisała mirusfeles

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing this letter because the radio I bought in your shop stopped working.
This product is black made by Sony (nie kumam tego do końca, dziwnie to brzmi). It stopped playing when I was listening to music after one week of using it. I cannot turn it on. This radio was serviced by You but it still doesn’t work. I called the service but nobody can come to me. I am disappointed because I cannot listen to my favourite radio station.. I demand a full refund. I do not wish to get a new model.

I am waiting for quick answer. Please contact me by my mobile phone number is 456-456-567.
Yours faithtfully,

4.Dear Tom,
I'm writting this letter because I would like to tell you about my new job.
I work as babysitter in England. I have been here for 3 weeks. I wake up at 7.A.M. Next I go to the baker's and I buy a fresh brown bread. When I come back home I go to the market and I buy fruits and vegetables. I start my job at 10.a.m and I finish at 7.p.m. I am going for a walk with children to the park and we eat ice -cream. I liked my job. I spend my free time on shopping.
Maybe you will come to me on next weekend?
I miss my country. I miss my family very much.
I'm waiting for you quick answer.
I wish you a great weekend.
Love ,

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