Temat: angielski-bardzo prosze o pomoc

NIe jestem dobra z angielskiego dlatego prosilabym kogos o sprawdzenie 2 listow i 2 krotkich form wypowiedzi.

1: Lost:
Small,brown dog with blue eyes and with white ear. I recently saw him in my garden on Monday. If you find dog,please contact me my mobilephone nr is 567-456-456

2: Hi Tom,
I arrive to London at 7.P.M.
I little tired my journey. My room is very nice with view on the city. I'm not hotel because I must go to the bank.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to write this letter because my new radio stopped working. I bought this radio in you shop two weeks ago. This product is black made by SOny. After one week from date of buying When I am listening to music this radio stopped play. I can not turn it on. This radio was your service but again not work. I called to the service but nobody will come to me. I disappointed because I can not listen my favourite radio station.. I demand a full refund. I am not interesting me swap to new model.
I am waiting for quick answer. Please contact me my mobilephone number is 456-456-567.
Yours faithtfully,

4.Dear Tom,
I'am writting this letter because I would like to tell you about my new job.
I work as babysiter in England. I have been has for 3 weeks. I wake up at 7.A.M. Next I go to the baker's and I buy a fresh brown bread.When I come back to home I go to the market and I buy fruits and vegetables.I start my job at 10.a.m and I finish at 7.p.m. I am going for a walking with children to the park and we eat ice -cream. I liked my job. I spend my free time on shopping.
Maybe you will go to me on next weekend?
I miss for my country. I very miss my family.
I'm waiting for you quick answer. I wish you a great weekend.
Love ,

z tym poziomem angielskiego w różnych szkołach też różnie bywa... mnie wkurzało to że uczyłam się podstaw w podstawówce, następnie gimnazjum znowu OD PODSTAW, idę do liceum myślę no w końcu coś pchniemy do przodu.. i znowu OD PODSTAW to jest paranoja.. dobrze że rok przed maturą trafiła nam się super nauczycielka w sumie starsza ode mnie tylko 3 lata bodajże czy 4.. popchnęła materiał z impetem do przodu ale wiadomo kto chciał to się uczył a dla słabszych był to nie lada wyczyn  nie zgubić się w nawale materiału..

a ja jestem już 4 lata po maturze i tak wszystko miałam w jednym paluszku.. od tamtego czasu zero styczności z ang :( i w głowie robią się pustki

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