Temat: Dla miłośniczek butów i nie tylko :))

Are you looking for a new pair of shoes?

I'd like to see her standing up and walking in those.
I know it would be entertaining.

Every Scottish girl needs a pair of these

whatever . .. ..

Great bridal shoe! Hope the groom is eight foot tall
-Now I know I've got to get a pair of these. I'd feel like Mrs. Maxwell Smart.

There aren't enough words for this. Who wants to stand on a nail?

Did they borrow this idea from Transformers or Hannibal Lecter?

Now, I must confess. These might surprise us. They look springy. You could pogo your way to where you're going.
Learning how to stop might take some experience once you get hopping.

I hope this is a joke. I've never fancied myself looking like one of those half-horse kind of people

If the designer was going for the "big foot" look, they missed.
Looks more like Hobbits' feet. Do they come with flea spray?

I hope the lights work on these. You could see where you're walking in the dark. That would be cool.

One of the astronauts called. He wants the rest of his suit back.

Now, I must confess. These are much prettier than the
big fluffy duck, bear, chicken, etc houseshoes.


LOL LOL LOL or HA HA HA I hope those skinny nobby knee'd legs are strong.

Alright! I wonder what kind of dress you'd wear with them. Kinda stylish, really.

Well......at least if you have stinky feet, you can blame it on the fish

What exactly are we looking at?

Okay......now I'm worried. Is this her feet....or does she really not have any toes inside of these amputated animal hooves.

Nasty is all that comes to mind here. Probably doesn't own a cat.
Or maybe they use these for training the cat........mmmmm 

Pasek wagi
Wow, ale super te niektóre :D
Oł siet!!! ale buty:P:P
Dużo z nich to photoshop niemożliwy do wykonania w realu.

Bo liczy sie kreatywność i oszczędność...

Idealne dla fanek ciężkiego brzmienia.

Niezastąpione w pogoni za autobusem, lub dla tych co chcą udawać kangura

Jak ci dorobił rogi to i kopyta nie zaszkodzą...

Już lecę skarbie, zawiążę tylko buty !
A ja stawiam na te. Kochanie, myłam nogi, no ale wiesz, to ryba...

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