Temat: Co mam o tym myslec?dziwna sytuacja

Hello dear,
How is the weather in your area? i hope it is normal, My name is miss
Janice, I know you will be surprise to receive this mail, I wish to drop
this few lines of words to you when i was browsing today looking for a new
friend for communication, if you don't mind I will like to know you
more maybe we can become good friends, reply me so that i will send you my
I will be waiting for your reply.
Accept my regards
From Janice

dziewczyny dostalam emaila o tresci jak wyżej (na czerwono) . czemu dziewczyna napisala do mnie? ja jej odpisalam skad ma moj emaila i czemu akurat do mnie pisze? odpisala mi cos takiego:
Hello my dear,
Thanks for your reply and God bless you. I am more than happy of your reply to my mail. How is your day today, My name is Ms Janice Nathan, I am single and never been married, I am from Sudan, 23 years old, 5.8 in height. was residing in Sudan at Darfur Chad Border Region before. But due to some circumstances in Darfur region in my country. I was taken to Senegal West Africa on 25th August 2010 where I'm presently residing in the Church Orphanage Camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago. I lost my both Parents during the war that damaged thousands of innocent Souls in Sudan.

My family was among the first target of the rebels because, My late father Dr Benedict Nathan was a Successful businessman and also a politician supporting the Present Government when the problems was about to start. During the riot, all the members of my family was Murdered in a cold Blood and our family house was set blazed. I was lucky and escaped the death because i was in bordering when this deadly incident took place. It is only myself who is alive now and l managed to escape from my country and i will never pray or think to step my legs in that bloody country called Sudan. This Orphanage Camp is headed by a Reverend Father, i used his office computer to send you this mail, and i only enter his office when he is less busy.
I would like to know more about you, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently. i like to meet understanding, loyal, sincere, truthful, kindly and friendly and more to that, a man of vision and truth. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. attached bellow is my pictures, Hoping to hear from you soonest. accept my warm regards
Ms Janice
co mam o tym myślec?to jakis żart?;> lubie poznawac nowych ludzi ale cos mi sie nie podoba. pomóżcie.
PS: wysłała mi tez swoje zdjęcia jest murzynką.

Odpisujesz na spam. Gratulacje

Jeszcze ze 3 maile i dostaniesz oferte kupna wibratora, sylikionow, zelow pod pache czy nawet wysysacz tluszczu.
dokladnie ... spam jak nic!
Pasek wagi
haha ;d
no to szkoda. to juz mam nie odpisywac?
kto z sudańczyków mieszkających w Darfurze mówi w takim angielskim? ;) spaaaaaaaaaaaaam
no raczej ;)

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