Temat: Pomoc w sprawdzeniu listu.

Proszę was Vitalianki o pomoc w sprawdzeniu listu ;)
Witam, proszę o sprawdzenie listu Jest to list do przyjaciółki, opisuje swoje praktyki zawodowe.

Sorry I haven't written for so long time, butI have been busy preparing for my practical training.
I'm writing to tell you about doing my work experience. I always wanted to be bank employee like my mother is. I was sent to London to do my work experience in the most famous "Longer bank". I spend six hours every day, five days a week. I'm learning communication beetwen clients and bank employee, filling formular, drawing up a contract, loan agreement and doing much more in this profession. I learn from the best bank employees in UK. It's really fascinating and exciting but still it' s responsible and hard job. It seems to me bank is a great place for me.

Czuję, że coś z czasami namieszałam szczególnie w "I spend six hours every day, five days a week. I'm learning communication beetwen clients and bank employee, filling formular, drawing up a contract, loan agreement and doing much more in this profession. I learn from the best bank employees in UK" a więc, proszę o pomoc z Góry dziękuję.
Niestety mam to na jutro rano .

ja bym to powiedziała inaczej a mianowicie "i was spending six hours every day, five days a week. i am learning communication beetwen clients and bank emoloyee, filling formular, drawing up a cotract, loan agreement and doing much more in this profession. ..."
Hmm czyli tylko zmiana nasętpuje I was spending. Ale jaki to czas? i Czyreszta jest poprawna?:)
Halo, nie ma tu nikogo, kto zna dobrze angielski ;)?

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